Campbell wins wild affair against Pearl City, 3-2, in 11 innings

Campbell's Brannon Okinaka breaks for home to score the winning run in the 11th inning against Pearl City. Sylvia Lee | SL

'EWA BEACH - In a bizarre finish, Campbell ran its way to a 3-2 win against visiting Pearl City in 11 innings Saturday.

Brannon Okinaka scored the game winner in the bottom of the 11th. With two out, he reached on a single to left-center off Tanner Tokunaga. On an 0-1 pitch to Raymond Pedrina, Okinaka  stole second and went to third when the catcher's throw hit the diving Okinaka's arm. The ball caromed toward the left side of the infield. A Charger chased the carom, but his throw to third sailed over the third baseman, so Okinaka broke for home, diving into the plate just ahead of the catcher's throw to the player covering home to end the game.

The Sabers (5-0) remained in first in the O'ahu Interscholastic Association Red West, while the Chargers (2-3) dropped their third in a row.

"I dove and the ball hit off my arm," Okinaka said. "I heard coach Rory (Pico yell), 'Go, go, go.'"

Pico said he gave the order to steal, feeling that even if Okinaka is caught, he still has lead-off batter Raymond Pedrina up the next inning. It was the first time Pico gave Okinaka the steal sign this season. "But he's a good runner," Pico said. 'He can run."

Pearl City starting pitcher Sean Milan was in command most of the game, going 8 2/3 innings, scattering six hits and a walk. He allowed two runs, but only one was earned before he gave way to Tokunaga, who started the game in center field. Milan replaced Tokunaga in center. Milan threw 111 pitches.

"He was pitching rather than just trying to throw fastballs by them," Pearl City coach Mitchell Yamato said. "His pitch count was in the low hundreds. He was throwing a lot of off-speed, change ups, so it wasn't too taxing on his arm. I needed to built his confidence that he could get back on the mound and do the job he did for us two years ago against Kailua."

The game was knotted at 1 after the regulation seven innings. In the top of the ninth, it was the Chargers who scored on a bizarre play to take a 2-1 lead. Tanner Tokunaka led off with a single and stole second. Colby Hirano hit a grounder back to pitcher Ian Kahaloa, who caught Tokunaga in a rundown between second and third. But Tokunaga still made it to third. Hirano tried to take second during the rundown and got caught in one himself, allowing Tokunaga to score. Hirano still made to second safely, but was stranded there when Kahaloa retired the next two batters.

But Milan hit Damien Villanueva-Hermosura to start the bottom of the ninth; he was lifted for pinch runner Zachary Recolan. Dewayne Sprinkel's popped out on bunt to the third baseman. But Milan walked Kahaloa. Okinaka the hit a grounder to short that appeared would end in a double play. But Okinaka beat the relay to first, putting runners at the corners. The speedy Pedrina beat out a single to deep short that scored Recolan with the tying run and moved the winning run in Okinaka to second. Milan pulled for Tokunaka, who got Dylan Ramie to fly out to right to end the inning.

The Chargers took a 1-0 lead against Campbell starter Jasten Smeigh in the second inning. Kamalu Neal led off with a single and took third when Milan grounded out to third. After Shaye Higa popped out to short, Dane Kaneshiro reached on an infield error that  scored courtesy runner Isaiah Aribal. Smeigh allowed successive singles to load the bases, but got Hirano to ground into a fielder's choice for a force a third to end the inning.

The Sabers tied the game in the fourth. Rayven Kahana led off with a single, took second on Tryzen Patricio's sacrifice and went to third on Smeigh's single to left. With Villanueva-Hermosura at the plate, Milan's pick-off attempt at first base could not be held on by the first baseman, allowing Kahana to score. But the next two batters failed to get on, ending the Sabers' threat for more runs.

"At this point, we're scraping by every game," Pico said. "But (by winning), it's easy for us to keep the boys working hard; we don't play well all the time. We made mistakes - both teams made mistakes - but we just got lucky. But it will be easier for us to work next week to try to get at the level we want to get at."

It was another tough loss for the Chargers, who lost to Mililani on Wednesday in another close game (4-2).

"We gave them a run for their money," Yamato said. "I'm happy with where we're at in the season. We're making strides."

Reach Stacy Kaneshiro at [email protected].